
Family Ministry

At Harbor Christian Academy we desire to partner with parents on the journey of raising Kingdom students. Because we know that excellence in education is more attainable when parents are actively involved, mutual accountability plays an essential role at Harbor Christian Academy. We at Harbor Christian Academy make promises to families, and we require our parents to embrace our parent covenant, and participate in mandatory events. See these required events and our parent covenant below.


Part of the remarkable education your student receives requires you to be an active part of their success. Together as Harbor Christian Academy teachers, staff, and parents we must model biblical accountability! Harbor Christian Academy parents / guardians are required to participate in the following events:

  • Parent Orientation (Summer)

  • Teacher Family Visits (Fall)

  • Parent Involvement Days (Fall & Winter)

  • Choir Recitals (Fall & Winter)

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences (Fall & Winter)

  • Family Tuition Conferences (Spring)

  • Creative Expressions (Spring)

  • Volunteer at any two all-school events


We ask parents/guardians of students at Harbor Christian Academy to renew each year the promises they made in signing our Family Covenant. Below is the Family Covenant that we partner with families in upholding:

In recognition of the promises of Harbor Christian Academy to provide your child with an outstanding Christ-centered education, and that my child’s success in school depends largely on my support and involvement:

  • I accept the school’s mission statement, beliefs, and strategies of education that are in accordance with the Word of God and Biblical virtues.

  • I agree to support the school in upholding its rules and policies as outlined in the appropriate Parent-School Handbook. As a parent, I am responsible for the behavior and actions of my child.

  • I agree to participate in mandatory parent activities, including a Fall Parent Orientation, two Parent Involvement Days, two parent-teacher conferences and volunteer service during the year.

  • I agree to pay the “Fair Share” portion of my child’s tuition that has been mutually agreed upon by parent and the school.

  • I agree to provide a supportive, educational environment for my child, which includes:

    • I will make sure my child arrives at school every day by the start of school (Mon.-Fri.)

    • I will make sure my child follows the school dress code.

    • I will ensure that my child attends the school Summer Session

    • I will check my child’s homework every night, try to read with him/her every night, and limit the amount of television he/she watches.

Failure to adhere to these commitments can cause my student to lose various privileges and can lead to my child’s removal from Harbor Christian Academy.